

taking down the bear
2. weeping willow
3. battering ram
4. push empi
5. chopping the tree
6. checking the storm
7. bending tree
8. tigers wipes his tail
9. dragons breath
10. Sweeping the Giant
11. Sword of Distruction
12. tigers claws
13. taking down the tree
14. Corbas kiss
15. Monkey takes the Mountian
16. tiger takes two
17. taken down the bridge
18. brakeing the branch
19. Spinning hammers
20. Hammer of God
21. three swords
22. calapsing the bridge
23. Binding Boa
24. Hoka Dori
25. Battering ram 2
26. Weeping willow 2
27. Flying fist
28. Tiger takes 3
29. Cresent moon
30. the twister