Shoju-kempo ryu means " House of Gentle Fist
Law Style "
The History of Shoju-kempo ryu
by Prof. Larry S.L. Martin Hanshi 10th
Dan Grandmaster / Sokedai
This Traditional Japanese Ryu is a Combination of 3 Major Ryu's (styles) Sho-Shotokan,
Ju- Aikijujitsu, and Kempo. Founded in the year of 1980 by Soke Martin after winning the New England Middleweight title in
Kickboxing, Soke Martin was sick of the one style training, so he and 3 of his Black Belt Students came up with the Ryu
called Shoju-kempo ryu
Teaching traditional Shotokan Karate-do & Okinawan Kempo as the foundation of Shoju-kempo
ryu, adding Combat Aikijujitsu as the finishing touch. This 24-year-old Ryu has made its way into the lives of many Rhode
Islanders and has spread to N. Carolina, Conn., Delaware N.J. and Romania.
I have trained with many well known Grandmasters in my time, men like Grandmaster William R. Gregory
of the Kajukenpo Pai Lum System, Grandmaster Daniel K. Pai founder of the Pai Lum System, Grandmaster Nick Cerio
of the Nick Cerio Kenpo Jujitsu System, Grandmaster George Pasere of the Karazenpo Goshin Jitsu System, Grandmaster
Ed Parker of American Kenpo, Grandmaster Kali K. Griffen of Kajukenpo Pai Lum, Maestro Guseppi Guaraldi
of the JKA Shotokan Karate-do, Shihan Earnest St. Laurent Sr. of Shotokan Karate-do, Shihan Lee Getty of the
Kyokushinkai Karate-do, Master Richard Chun of Moo Duk Kwan Taekwondo, and Sensei Joe Fri of Goju-kan Karate-do.
These Martial Art Masters were the force behind me to form the Shojukempo ryu System.We practice more (Kata) forms then (Kumite)
fighting, and for this reason, Kata teaches you the Basic's of fighting. The more Kata you practice the better you get in
Kumite, Master Funakoshi believed in Kata practice 1000 to 5000 times or more! We follow the teachings of Master Gichin
Funakoshi to the book! Some Kata we practice are from Chito-ryu, Shindo-do Ryu, Goju-ryu & Okinawan Kempo, there is
about 50 Kata in the Shojukempo System. All classes are taught in the traditional Japanese manner! But if any Shojukempo student
is backed up against the wall they will fight to win!
Shoju-kempo ryu teaches discipline, respect, honor, and academics. All Shoju-kempo
ryu students’ academics must be an A+ or a B+ in order to advance to the next rank! We don't give our rank you
have to earn it the hard way!
The founding members of Shoju-kempo ryu are Sokedai Larry S. L. Martin 10th Dan., with 41 years
of Martial Art training, Kyoshi Robert M. Handley 9th Dan., with 40 years of Martial Arts training, Shihan Raheem Darden 8th
Dan., with 38 years of Martial Arts training, Sijo Samadhaqq Darden 9th Dan., with 39 1/2 years of Martial Arts training.
The History of Shojukempo ryu Karate-do Part 2
Some of you are saying to yourselves, another Karate System? But Shojukempo Karate-do
is not just another Karate style or System. It’s the 3 Ryu’s (styles) of Traditional Martial Arts that makes this
Ryu different from other Ryu's. We Practice the old Way of Master Gichin Funakoshi.
Before he came to Japan he was practicing Shorin-ryu & Shorei-ryu plus other styles,
but Shorin-ryu and Shorei-ryu are the major two styles that he combined together to form the modern style called Shotokan.
Shoju-kempo ryu you can say was formed the same way. We have both of his arts together,
his old way and his new modern way.
Shoju-kempo ryu students’ practice the old Kata, which Funakoshi learned in his
home land of Okinawa. Most of the Kata are Chinese influenced with Chinese names. Our students learn Okinawa Kempo version
and the Japanese version. It is so cool to see the students practice the old and the new way.
Okinawa Kata Pinan, Chinto, Koshokun, Jitte and Passai, are from the Shorin-ryu Style.
Naihanchi, Jion and Wanshu, are from the Shorei-ryu Style.
Now the Japanese Version are the same but with a slight change Heian, Chinte, Tekki,
Bassai-dai, (Bassai-sho), Kanku-dai (Kanku-sho), Jitte, Jion, Jiin and Unsu, Empi, Soshin, Nijushiho, Gojushiho-dai (Gojushiho-sho),
Gankaku, Hangetsu, Wankan, Meikyo, Ju-no Kata (ten no Kata) and Taikyoku. Now these 4 Kata were put together by Master Funakoshi's
We are the only dojo in the Country that still practice the Taikyoku Kata. The Taikyoku
Kata are the introductory Kata for the beginner student, in the other dojo's they start with the Heian Kata as an introductory
In my last article I said that we practice Shotokan Karate-do to the book. When I mean
to the book its;
1. Kihon (meaning basic's)
2. Kata (meaning forms)
3. Kumite (meaning fighting)
The History of Shoju-kempo ryu Part 3 By Founder Hanshi Larry S. L. Martin 10th Dan
Students and Hanshi Larry S. L. Martin (right)
Where we left off...we talked about the 3 K’s, Kihon, Kata, and Kumite. Now I will take you through the Kempo
side of Shoju-kempo ryu. In the world today there are many versions of Kenpo & Kempo. At our dojo we teach the Okinawa
version of Kempo. Master Martin's Shotokan Instructor, Ernie St. Laurent (rt), with his Instructor
John Saviano (lft)
Now, I have trained under many well know Grandmasters from around the country. Men like Grandmaster George Pasere
of the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu System, Grandmaster / Prof. Nick Cerio of the Nick Cerio Kenpo Ju-jitsu System an offshoot from
the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu System. Grandmaster William R. Gregory of the Kajukempo System which is an offshoot from the Nick
Cerio System, Grandmaster Ed Parker of the American Kenpo System, which is an offshoot from the Kosho Ryu System under Grandmaster’s
William K. S .Chow and Frank Chow.
Professor Nick Cerio, Master Martin. Shihan Restrepo, and Hanchi Bruce Judnick
Now what make theses Ryu’s (styles) different are these great men where from different parts of the country.
Teaching their versions of Kenpo, Kempo Karate-do in the States. American Kenpo Ed Parker California, Hawaiian Kenpo or Kosho
Ryu Kenpo William K. S. Chow, Japanese Kosho Ryu Kempo James Mitose, Hawaiian Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Victor "Sonny" Gascon
which was known as Shaolin Kempo or Shaolin Ch’uan Fa. Hawaiian Kajukenbo was founded by Sijo Emperado. There are four
other men responsible for the Kajukenbo System, Hawaiian Pai Lum Tao Grandmaster Daniel K Pai. Master Martin, Grandmaster William Gregory, & Shihan Restrepo
There are many dojo’s around the world and the United States that teach many different versions of Kenpo,
Kempo. Some teach the Chinese version of Kenpo Ch’uan Fa, some teach the Hawaiian version of Kenpo or Kempo, some teach
the American version of Kenpo, and some teach the Japanese Version of Kempo. Chinese, Okinawan, and Japanese movements with
soft & hard techniques influence some of the Kata.
Now at the Rhode Island Shotokan Karate Hombu Dojo headquarters, Hanshi Martin teaches the different versions of
Kata to his Shojukempo students, to show respect to the men that passed away, men like Grandmaster Ed Parker, Prof. Nick Cerio,
Grandmaster William R. Gregory, Grandmaster Daniel K. Pai. I have taken 2 Kata from each of these men’s Ryu to make
Shoju-kempo ryu is a unique system to study, for everyone who is truly interested in learning the true meaning of Martial
In Part 4 we'll talk about the Kata of Shoju-kempo ryu!
The History of Shoju-kempo ryu Part 4
Kata of Shoju-kempo ryu
the last time we talk I was explaining the Okinawan, Japanese Ryu's such as kata the kata we are going over are
as followed
Okinawan Kata / Japanese kata
Okinawa Kata Pinan, Chinto, Koshokun, Jitte and Passai, are from the Shorin-ryu Style. Naihanchi,
Jion and Wanshu, are from the Shorei-ryu Style. these kate were introdused by Yasutsune Azato,Yasutsune Itosu, Sokon "Bushi"
Matsumura these Masters were responsible for the kata that are being tought today.
Now the Japanese Version are the same but with a slight change Heian, Chinte, Tekki, Bassai-dai, (Bassai-sho),
Kanku-dai (Kanku-sho), Jitte, Jion, Jiin and Unsu, Empi, Soshin, Nijushiho, Gojushiho-dai (Gojushiho-sho), Gankaku, Hangetsu,
Wankan, Meikyo, Ju-no Kata (ten no Kata) and Taikyoku. Now these 4 Kata were put together by Master Funakoshi's Son Gigo.
Shoju-kempo ryu kata
the following kata are from the Shoju-kempo ryu system
the kata that are practiced at Shojukempo dojo were Introduced by Master Larry S.L. Martin. at Shoju-kempo
ryu Dojo, we practice kata from Prof. Nick Cerio ( Cat 1 kata ) ( Cercal of the Tiger ), GM William R. Gregory ( Short
form of the Tiger, Movements of the Tiger, Twist of the Tiger, Fist of the 5 Ansesters. ) Master Martin Introduced his
own kata sush as Tigers Defense, Dragons Defense, Cercal of the Dragon, Parker Lum Pai, Juryuku-uke no kata 3 versions, Chunfa
1, Gojuryuku-dai. the other kata we practice are from the Okinawan & Japanese Ryu's. the 5 Pinan's,3 Naihanchi's, Passai,
Koshokun,Chinto,Jion, & Wanshu. 3 Taikyokus, 5 Heians, 3 Tekkis, Bassai-Dai / Sho, Kanku-Dai / Sho, Jitte, Jion, Jiin,
Chinte, Unsu, Empi, Soshin, Nijushiho, Gojushiho-Dai / Sho, Gankaku, Meikyo, Wankan, Hangetsu,Ten no Kata. altogether the
Shojukempo kata list is 58 now Shotokan students learn Shotokan kata and Kempo students learn Okinawan kempo kata. we do not
mix the kata! If any person is looking for a real good dojo, you should check out the Instructor and his studio and ask question
about what he teches, how he teaches, there are a lot of studios that teach there student to compet in sport Karate Tournaments
around the country. And there are afew hand full of Instructors that teach Traditional Karate-do as a discipline mainly they
use the 3 K’s Kihon, ( Basic’s ) Kata ( Forms ) and Kumite as ( Sparring ) if you find a real good Instructor
learn the right way.